Ra 1 is an upcoming Hindi science-fiction superhero film directed by Anubhav Sinha. The film, which features Shahrukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal are playing leading roles, will be produced under Khan's production company, Red Chillies Entertainment. According to Khan, Ra 1 means "Random Access - Version 1.0". The film was scheduled to be released on 3 June 2011. but was later pushed back due to extensive post production work.The film's original score is composed by Hans Zimmer. Shahrukh Khan new movie will be released on October, 2011 alongside
Shahrukh Khan new movie Ra 1
Ra 1 is an upcoming Hindi science-fiction superhero film directed by Anubhav Sinha. The film, which features Shahrukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal are playing leading roles, will be produced under Khan's production company, Red Chillies Entertainment. According to Khan, Ra 1 means "Random Access - Version 1.0". The film was scheduled to be released on 3 June 2011. but was later pushed back due to extensive post production work.The film's original score is composed by Hans Zimmer. Shahrukh Khan new movie will be released on October, 2011 alongside
RA 1,