RANA is new movie. Rajini kanth will play three roles in Raana, bringing director K.S.Ravikumar and composer A.R. Rahman combination together after 10 years. The full length Rajnikanth Rana feature film, will have Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone, Vidya Balan and Reka was playing the female role. RANA will be ready for release in 2012.Rajinikanth Rana is a trilingual and will be released simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.
RANA is new movie. Rajini kanth will play three roles in Raana, bringing director K.S.Ravikumar and composer A.R. Rahman combination together after 10 years. The full length Rajnikanth Rana feature film, will have Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone, Vidya Balan and Reka was playing the female role. RANA will be ready for release in 2012.Rajinikanth Rana is a trilingual and will be released simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.