Manchivadu is upcoming new movie. Tanish, Bhama was hero and heroine. Manchivadu movie is Directed by Deepti under banner of Mega Super Good Films Pvt Ltd is all set to hit the screens soon. The film had emotions, comedy and entertainment in equal ration. Young hero Tanish did a nice character in this film. The film will be a complete family entertainer. Tanish and Bhama are playing the lead roles. Manchivadu movie releasing date is April 1.
Manchivadu movie review
Manchivadu is upcoming new movie. Tanish, Bhama was hero and heroine. Manchivadu movie is Directed by Deepti under banner of Mega Super Good Films Pvt Ltd is all set to hit the screens soon. The film had emotions, comedy and entertainment in equal ration. Young hero Tanish did a nice character in this film. The film will be a complete family entertainer. Tanish and Bhama are playing the lead roles. Manchivadu movie releasing date is April 1.