Film ‘Maryada Ramanna’ fame heroine Saloni who is doing her next film ‘Telugammayi’ is selected as second heroine of Balakrishna’s upcoming movie being directed by Paruchuri Murali. Balakrishna is playing triple roles in this movie. Hence, he needs three heroines beside him. He already had some romance with Lakshmi Rai Saloni which will start from 11th of March. The name of the third heroine is not yet finalized.
Balakrishna new movie stills
Film ‘Maryada Ramanna’ fame heroine Saloni who is doing her next film ‘Telugammayi’ is selected as second heroine of Balakrishna’s upcoming movie being directed by Paruchuri Murali. Balakrishna is playing triple roles in this movie. Hence, he needs three heroines beside him. He already had some romance with Lakshmi Rai Saloni which will start from 11th of March. The name of the third heroine is not yet finalized.